Rhythm Shyrdak | Wool Rug

sale badge for handmade items
These beautiful products were handmade by communities participating in Snow Leopard Enterprises, an award-winning, conservation-focused handicrafts brand that helps create sustainable economic opportunities for families in snow leopard habitats.


This unique handmade felt rug will bring a touch of Kyrgyz herder culture right into your home! Primarily natural tones (gray, white, brown) with some colorful piping.

  • Handmade in Kyrgyzstan
  • 100% sheep wool
  • Approximately 42" x 69" / 107 x 175 cm

Due to the nature of handmade goods, exact sizes and colors vary.

This rug is large and can be expensive to ship! We understand that an unexpectedly high shipping rate might deter some, but we try our best to charge what we end up paying to ship your rug. However, this system is automated and is not always 100% accurate since these rugs require larger box dimensions than usual shipments. If you think your estimate is inaccurate or have questions, please reach out to shop@snowleopard.org and we can help get you the most accurate shipping estimate possible.